The District established its Asset Management Plan (AMP) in 2008. The 2023 AMP update is the third update to the original plan. The AMP describes the District’s collection system assets and a pathway with estimated costs to maintain those assets. With no substantial changes to the service area since the original AMP, the focus of the update remained on the repair, rehabilitation, and replacement of existing assets. The District believes that managing assets by replacing or rehabilitating them before failure is the most prudent and cost effective way of conducting business.
The updated AMP includes an analysis and projections of collection system flow. Additionally, the existing and projected District Equivalent Dwelling Units are described and discussed.
The update organizes the District’s wastewater assets into five distinct categories – gravity sewers and manholes, pump stations, force mains, jointly-owned facilities and the District’s share in the Encina Wastewater Authority treatment facilities. Additionally, the District’s assets to produce and deliver recycled water to the La Costa Resort South Golf Course were included to ensure all District assets are account for in a single document. The AMP lays out a systematic approach of repair, replacement and rehabilitation by asset category based on operation and maintenance recommendations and projected life cycle replacement or rehabilitation. Capital Improvement Program projects are identified for a five year period to provide short-term expenditures of capital funds. Life cycle projections are used to develop long-term (20 year) estimates of expenditures. These estimated capital expenditures are used to develop the District’s Financial Plan.