June 15, 2023


We are pleased to report the Leucadia Wastewater District has gone more than three years without having a sewer spill, which is the longest in the District’s history. This is a huge achievement considering the District’s Field Services Team maintains more than 200 miles of pipeline, 10 pump stations, and more than 5,000 manholes. Due to the vastness of underground pipeline systems, sewer spills can be difficult to avoid. In a typical year, wastewater agencies in our region can experience up to two spills.

Furthermore, during the heavy rains that occurred this past winter, the team did excellent work monitoring the sewer system to ensure water kept flowing inside the pipes. Heavy rainfall can enter the sewer system and overwhelm it, potentially resulting in a sewer spill. The District’s Field Services Team reduces the amount of rainfall from entering the system by proactively inspecting and repairing defects found in the sewer system.