November 4, 2020


Check out a few of the District's Fiscal Year 2020 Successes!

Fiscal Year 2020 (FY 2020) was certainly one of the most unprecedented and unusual years in the District’s history. We are very pleased to report that the District maintained its very high level of performance despite the current COVID emergency, the severe rainstorm events in November and April, and the many other challenges we faced throughout the year. Like many organizations, the District had to adjust to a whole new way of doing business. Our Board of Directors began conducting its public meetings via video and teleconference, all the while meeting the state’s open meeting law requirements. Our staff successfully adjusted to working remotely from home and to an alternate work schedule designed to keep our employees and customers safe. Throughout this period, the District was able to safely transport and treat wastewater from our customers’ homes and businesses.

In addition to the COVID emergency, the District faced intense storms on Thanksgiving Day and in April. Heavy storms present serious challenges to wastewater agencies, in that stormwater finds its way into the sewer system and can overwhelm it causing sewer spills. During the April 10th storm event, the District recorded its highest peak flows ever. The District operations team’s response was excellent, as we were able to keep all of the wastewater flowing in the pipes. In fact, the District was one of only a few area agencies that did not record a spill that day!

Although we had these challenges, the District had several FY 2020 highlights. They included being recognized for both the Wastewater Collection System of the Year Award and for the Community Engagement Award by the California Water Environment Association—San Diego Section. In addition, the District was recognized by the Government Finance Officers Association for its excellent financial reporting and by the California Municipal Treasurers Association for its excellent investment policies.

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