
With school back in season, there’s no doubt you know some teachers who would benefit from our Teacher Grant Program. ⬇️

Teachers striving to educate students about water resource management and ocean water pollution prevention are welcome to apply! LWD may provide up to $6,000 in teacher grants, with a maximum of $2,000 per grant to assist with the cost of curriculum.

The District is proud and grateful to have Field Service Superintendent Marvin Gonzalez on our team! Read Marvin's Emerging Leader story from California Water Environment Association here:

We are the recipients of the California Association of Sanitation Agencies 2023 Public Outreach & Education – Small Agency award for our Emergency Preparedness Training Drill Video with the City of Encinitas! Watch the training video here:

Check out the award acceptance video thanking CASA for the award. We would also like to acknowledge the City of Encinitas’ staff for assisting us during the emergency preparedness training drill.

🚨PSA: Do not flush wet wipes and rags down the toilet.

Paper towels, wet wipes, cleaning wipes, cosmetic wipes, disinfecting wipes, and feminine hygiene products should never go in the toilet -they might clog your pipes. Only human waste and toilet paper are OK to flush.

Attention Teachers! 🍎

Leucadia Wastewater District is now accepting applications for this year’s Teacher Grant Program. Full program details can be found here: The deadline to submit the grant application is Friday, November 17.

Help us get the word out to teachers who can benefit from this program by sharing this post!

Submit your favorite local natural scenic photos to 🌼 🦋

Please continue to submit your favorite pictures from Encinitas, Leucadia, and South Carlsbad by tagging a photo on Facebook with #DISTRICTPhoto or send an email to You could be featured on our Facebook page or on the cover of our future newsletters. We will give recognition to any photo we use in any of our postings or newsletters.

Photo by Mykell Cruz of the “Butterfly Painted Lady”

Check out some of the the District's most recent awards and achievements below ⬇️

Thank you to local resident Mark Hilton for submitting the photo below of a long-billed curlew, North America’s largest shorebird. 🐦

We love to see our community getting outside and enjoying our natural habitat. Share your nature shots by tagging your images with #DISTRICTPhoto or by emailing them to