
It’s Flush Smart Day!

Have you heard of fatbergs? These giant cement-like masses can form when fats, oils, and grease (FOGs), combine with non-flushable products like baby wipes, cleaning wipes, and makeup wipes, which can clog the entire wastewater system.

A 2020 National Association of Clean Water Agencies (NACWA) report estimates that $441 million of utility fees are wasted annually on extracting these fatbergs from sewage lines and the resulting necessary repairs.

Did you know for the past 40 years the Gafner Water Recycling Facility plant has been delivering recycled water to Omni La Costa Resort & Spa's South Golf Course?

The water is used to irrigate the grass, keeping the course green and beautiful. We produce 80 to 100 million gallons of recycled water each year for the golf course, saving valuable potable water resources.

We are officially one week away from celebrating #FlushSmartDay!

This second annual celebration provides an excellent reminder about the importance of practicing responsible flushing habits. The “Do Not Flush” symbol is an incredibly easy way to identify non-flushable wipes that don’t belong in the toilet.

It’s International Public Service Day where we celebrate the value and virtue of service to the community and we encourage people to pursue careers in the public sector.

Today, the District acknowledges and thanks all public sector employees for providing essential services!

#PublicServiceDay #Environment #Leucadia #Carlsbad #Encinitas #Wastewater

Your photography could be included in our next newsletter! The District received the image below from our recent Spring 2023 newsletter photography submission callout.

Local resident Sharon Kumpf snapped this photo in her backyard in South Carlsbad. 🦋

Share your nature shots by tagging your images with #DISTRICTPhoto or by emailing them to

We'd love to share your captured moments!

What is Smoke Testing?

Smoke testing is a technology where non-hazardous smoke vapor is injected into sewer pipelines to detect improper connections, which often allow extra storm water to enter the sewer system. The extra water has the potential to overwhelm the system’s capacity and lead to a sewer spill.

We are pleased to report the Leucadia Wastewater District has gone more than three years without having a sewer spill, which is the longest in the District’s history. This is a huge achievement considering the District’s Field Services Team maintains more than 200 miles of pipeline, 10 pump stations, and more than 5,000 manholes. Due to the vastness of underground pipeline systems, sewer spills can be difficult to avoid. In a typical year, wastewater agencies in our region can experience up to two spills.

Reminder that smoke testing started TODAY through June 16, 2023 from 7:30AM – 3:45PM on the following streets in Encinitas indicated on the map below.

For more information on non-toxic smoke, check out the safety data sheet on our website here: